Evington 0116 319 0343 | Loughborough 0116 319 2545 horizon.healthcare1@nhs.net

Order Medication

Repeat prescriptions

Repeat prescriptions can be requested by post, brought into the surgery, faxed or ordered online. They will be ready for collection in 2 working days i.e. if ordered on Monday they will be ready to collect on Wednesday.
Prescriptions can be sent to a Pharmacist of your choice for collection or delivery by the Pharmacist.
If you wish your prescription to be posted back to you, please enclose a stamped, addressed envelope.

Ordering Repeat Prescriptions Online

If you have an online account you can order your repeat prescriptions online.  Please speak to our reception staff for more information on setting up an online account.

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Visit the Pharmacy section on the NHS Choices website to find your nearest pharmacy.

The Leicestershire Medicines Formulary website promotes safe, rational and cost-effective prescribing.

The Electronic Prescription Service is a new NHS service being introduced across England, which allows your GP to send your prescriptions electronically to your nominated pharmacy. This change means you will no longer receive a paper prescription*, however, the way your medication is dispensed and how you receive it remains the same.

How it works

1. Nominate the pharmacy you want to receive your electronic prescription

2. GP creates your prescription and transmits it to your nominated pharmacy

3. The pharmacy dispenses your medication in the usual way

How To Nominate a Pharmacy

Please enquire with your required Pharmacy and you will be given the relevant forms to fill in. To nominate a pharmacy, you will need to provide the following patient information:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • Email
  • Contact number
  • NHS Number (only if you know it)
  • Doctors address
  • If you are the patient’s representative, you will need to provide your name, address, contact number and relationship to patient.   
Your Benefits Save Time
  • No need to collect repeat prescriptions from your GP
  • Your pharmacy can get your medication ready before you arrive
  • Convenient
  • Nominate a Pharmacy close to home, work or where you shop

Medication Reviews

The doctor may ask you to make an appointment to review your medication before a prescription is issued. Repeat prescriptions are not normally given for certain items, e.g. anti-depressants, sleeping tablets, the contraceptive pill, some asthma medication etc.

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