Evington 0116 319 0343 | Loughborough 0116 319 2545 horizon.healthcare1@nhs.net

Coronavirus (COVD-19)

In an effort to improve response times, NHS 111 is recommending that patients concerned about COVID-19 should use the online assessment tool in the first instance.



There are also some videos by local clinicians in a variety of languages to provide advice and guidance to patients. To date the videos have been filmed in Hindi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Urdu, Polish, Romanian and Telugu with versions in other languages to follow shortly.

You can access the YouTube videos by visiting:


To keep up to date with the latest information please go to: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/leicester-lockdown-what-you-can-and-cannot-do

If you have symptoms of coronavirus or you’ve been in close contact with someone who has had symptoms, please get tested as soon as you can.

The main symptoms of coronavirus are:

  • high temperature
  • continuous new cough
  • loss of smell
  • loss of taste.

Book your test online at nhs.uk/ask-for-a-coronavirus-test or call 119.

All of the drive-through centres will accept people who walk in – but you should still book an appointment first.

When you go for your test, wear a face covering and bring a photo ID as well as your booking number.

What to do if you need medical help

If you need medical help for any reason, do not go to places like a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital.

If you have symptoms of coronavirus (a high temperature or a new, continuous cough, loss of smell or taste), use the 111 coronavirus service. https://111.nhs.uk/covid-19/